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Showing posts from July, 2017

I Got Married Before I Was Ready

I remember being a child and being hopeful for a great future. I was hopeful for the day I could successfully leave my parents’ home. I looked forward to the freedom; Freedom, of speech, freedom of dress and freedom of expression. Anyone that knew my mom knew that she considered no amendment but her own when making rules and regulating us as young adults. I can hear me now, attempting to justify my actions by saying “But Ma! It’s my First Amendment right.” And her responding, “Yea the first one to go!” Opinions, freedom and adventure weren’t the highest on our childhood food chain. I would dream of big stages, and boxing arenas, my own cosmetology business, or making my mark in the sand in the big city. But of all the things that I would dream, I never, ever, ever put emphasis on being married. I never glorified the life with a husband and a child. I adored nice clothing, nice hairstyles, good books, and watching women of power speak and inspire. I ad...