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Top 5 tips to make your engagement perfect** winks eye


So, what girl at some point hasn't created her ideal wedding or perfect engagement?!? Although I never thought I'd be married or even get engaged. At some time or another (well if I'm honest- there has been plenty of times) Ha-Ha that I've mapped my wedding out from beginning to end. I had an idea for the dress, the pressure I'd put on my bridal party and the different ways I'd "Bond" with my future husband during the process. Speaking of the process, I have plenty of tea to share with you about that. A couple of to do's and not to do's lol. 

BTW! No one's story is going to be the same. The absolute worst thing you can possibly do is put an image of the perfect proposal in your mind. It's too high of a standard for anyone to meet. Look for the authenticity and effort. If he knows you, even just a little he'll hit home! Or at least the doorstep. HA-HA. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE QUESTION!! OR IS IT? 

David and I had been talking about marriage and a family together soon after we reconnected and got into a relationship together. Surprisingly after not seeing him for 6 years, we connected on Facebook, dated for about 6 months and one night as we were packing for our first vacation together (we went to Jamaica, Cayman Island, and Mexico) he popped the question. We were home alone! 

If you're the least bit prepared for marriage or if you have a feeling that big question is around the corner here is 5 things that will help the moment a little more perfect and even a few things I would have done differently: 

1. Of course, Keep your nails done (This may sound petty, but necessary)-
This may seem extremely superficial and NO it doesn't add to the romance; however, it'll make for the perfect "He asked and I said yes:" pictures. Those moments are never predicted, and though nail maintenance can be pretty expensive if you are into the acrylic, gel and design glam. But, you can totally keep it simple and cheap and do you own nail maintenance.  I will do a blog/vblog later this month on at home nail maintenance, to save a little in the bank and still stay hand conscious and confident. BTW! Press on nails is a great option as well.

2. Limit the pressure or find ways the right ways- 
Since I've been married, I've learned that it's OK to make subtle suggestions and even show your significant other how you like things, favorite places etc. Now, if he pays even a little attention to your he'll know your favorite places, food, people; and know how to bring a smile to your face. But, have you ever felt like " Umm, I appreciate this, but if one minor adjustment was made." Share videos of great date nights, take them out on a great date night or even show them somethings you're into on Pinterest. DON'T BE CREEPY! Don't use other couple engagement photos. Use pictures and videos of generic dates. That way your S/O has a guide and they can even put forth effort on perfecting your happily ever after.

3. It is OK for subliminal recommendations-
Again, subtle and subliminal is the key. If you don't think you all are at a stage where you equally are prepared for the big question; that's OK. Don't be pushy! Slow and steady... David, told me that he proposed in private in fear that I "May" have said NO!! Like Whet?!??! Why would I have said no? Bottom line all men aren't as confident that their S/O is ready right now today and some are over confident. So don't be scared to express that you aren't ready to prevent that moment going down hill. If you want to let your S/O to know that you are ready or aren't ready, it's OK to bring up the topic. Maybe in leiu of telling someone else's story if you don't feel confident to be straight forward. Or my personal favorite, work on your vision board (which we should all keep updated) and converse on things that you all plan to do together or separately in the future. This will always break the ice an open up some pretty HAWT topics.

4. Take away the heat and forget about the audience-
If you know that your S/O is a little shy or uncertain and the moment comes and all of the friends you thought would be present are absent or if the candles aren't lite perfectly or at all even; make sure to embrace the moment. Don't feel rushed to cry, scream or even respond. Take deep breaths, make eye contact, show your expression. Don't think of the perfect smile or the perfect pose right away. Take a minute to live in the moment, because it'll never come again (well prayerfully) lol This is a vulnerable moment, more so for then person proposing. Engage with then and lose the need for attention for others. And don't wig out over the first ring. There is always room for growth.

5. But don't hold your breath-  
Reality is that marriage isn't for everyone and every may not get married for whatever reason. Even if you want to. Somethings take longer for others and because people are all different. No one can tell you what love is, or how your love should be. Don't compare your timing to others and especially not your situation. If your question comes after two years and someone else's come after 1 year it's all good. Be with someone you are on the same page with or that you can at least keep the pace steady with. It's safe to respectfully make your desires known and be willing to hear theirs. It'll come in it's time. :)

XOXO N-Tyese


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